约翰·派博(John Piper)说:“The fight is a 'fight of faith.' It is not a fight to get out of bed, but to rest in God. The race is run against temptations that would make us doubt God's goodness and love for us. It is a fight to stay satisfied in God through broken hips and lost sight and failed memory. ”——这是信心的战争,不是为“每一天有力量从床上爬起”的那种奋战,而是你在神里头找到心灵的安息、力量和安慰。这是一场与试探的拉锯战——试探我们会否怀疑上帝的良善与慈爱。纵使我们失明、记忆衰退,或者患病卧床,仍要坚守主里的满足喜乐。